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Parasitic behavior in humans, particularly in social interactions, is a fascinating, albeit disturbing, phenomenon. Let's examine this behavior from a perspective perspective based on symbolism & psychology.

Causes of parasitic behavior:

Lack of independence:

People who engage in parasitic behavior may have difficulty leading their own lives or making independent decisions. They cling to others for support & guidance.

Low self-esteem:

Low self-esteem can cause people to behave parasitically to receive validation & attention from others. You may feel unable to stand on your own two feet.

Unconscious fears:

Parasitic behavior can be based on unconscious fears, whether of being alone, of change or of responsibility. Attachment to others can serve as a means of self-soothing.

Meaning of parasitic behavior:

The parasitic behavior of people can have different meanings in the language of the subconscious:

Search for food:

Like parasites in nature that feed on their host animals, people with parasitic behavior seek emotional or material "food." They hope to receive from others what they do not have themselves.

Fear of autonomy:

Attachment to others can reflect fear of independence & change. These people might feel safer in some kind of protective shell.

Psychological aspects:


Parasitic behavior can result in codependency, a dysfunctional relationship dynamic in which both parties depend on each other to meet their own needs.

Negative manipulation:

Some people use parasitic behavior to negatively manipulate others & achieve their own goals. They may inappropriately benefit from others, whether financially or emotionally.

Lack of social skills:

People with parasitic behavior may have difficulty responding appropriately to social norms & boundaries. They may not realize that their behavior is inappropriate.

Interpreting & dealing with such behavior requires understanding & compassion while maintaining healthy boundaries. Honest communication & setting clear boundaries in affected relationships can be liberating.

In the concept of the "Law of Correspondence" or "As within, so without", it is believed that our external reality is a reflection of our internal reality. This means that what happens inside us can affect our outside world, and vice versa.

Let's look at human parasitic behavior from this perspective:

Cause - Inside:

Lack of independence:

People who behave in a parasitic manner may have a feeling of dependency and insecurity inside. They may rely heavily on others to meet their needs rather than drawing on their own inner resources.

Low self-esteem:

Low self-esteem can create deep beliefs of inadequacy and worthlessness within. Such beliefs can lead people to seek external validation and recognition.

Unconscious fears:

Internal fears, be it of being alone, of change or of responsibility, can unconsciously drive parasitic behavior. People may try to alleviate these fears by attaching themselves to others.

Effect - outside:

Cyclic effect:

In terms of the law of correspondence, parasitic behavior could lead people to find themselves in situations where they are dependent on others. This dependency can then be reflected in external reality, creating a cycle of dependency and parasitic behavior.

Interactions and Relationships:

The parasitic behavior can also affect the quality of relationships and interactions with others. It can cause tension, conflict and disharmony in both personal and professional relationships.

Solving parasitic behavior

Self-knowledge and change:

Recognizing parasitic behavior can be the starting point for profound changes. By becoming aware of their inner patterns and beliefs, people can begin to shape their reality and transform the causes of their parasitic behavior.

Create awareness:

The first step to change is to consciously recognize that parasitic behavior is present. This requires self-reflection and the ability to look critically at one's own actions and relationships.

Inner work:

After awareness comes inner work. This includes dealing with the deeply rooted Beliefs and fears that drive parasitic behavior. Hermetic principles teach that we have the power to change our inner states and consciously shape our lives.

New beliefs and behavior patterns:

Through self-reflection and inner work, people can develop new beliefs and patterns of action. They can learn to be more independent, build self-esteem, and express their needs in healthy ways.

External changes:

With inner change often comes a change in external reality. People who overcome their parasitic behavior may find that they experience more harmonious relationships and greater independence in their lives.

Personal responsibility:

The principle of cause and effect reminds us that we are responsible for our actions and experiences. By changing our internal states, we can become more conscious of how these manifest themselves in our external reality.

The importance of self-knowledge, self-responsibility and conscious change must be emphasized here. She invites us to view our lives as a reflection of our inner world and to recognize the power to shape this world according to our wishes. Parasitic behavior can thus be understood as a call to inner work and change in order to create a more harmonious reality.

©️ Text & Image: Haymetic



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